Experience Design
6 mins

Product Vision Canvas - An Inspiring Approach For Teams

A methodology to help distributed teams create powerful product vision statements.
Experience Design
6 mins
Get your copy of our product vision canvas, and a step by step methodology for completing the canvas, at the form below.
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So how can you work together to create a singular vision?

The answer is to deconstruct the components of a great vision, create a process to work together as a team on each component, and then have one person (or a small team — 2/3 people max) synthesise the output into a singular statement.

This delivers the best of both worlds — an already involved team that can apply their cognitive diversity to vision creation, with the single-minded focus on the final outcome that’s key to an inspiring product vision.

What do you think? Feel free to use and share this canvas and approach — let us know how it goes if you do!



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